Search For romance In Quotes 70

A tramp a gentleman a poet a dreamer a lonely fellow always hopeful of romance and adventure.

The word 'romance ' according to the dictionary means excitement adventure and something extremely real. Romance should last a lifetime.

Deceiving others. That is what the world calls a romance.

A relationship to me is never about the romance.

In my books and in romance as a genre there is a positive uplifting feeling that leaves the reader with a sense of encouragement and hope for a brighter future - or a brighter present.

Romance like a ghost escapes touching it is always where you are not not where you are. The interview or conversation was prose at the time but it is poetry in the memory.

The old interests of aristocracy - the romance of action the exalted passions of chivalry and war - faded into the background and their place was taken by the refined and intimate pursuits of peace and civilization.

I appreciate a slow-burn romance. In most movies everyone is just tearing their clothes off in the first scene.

I loved old black and white movies especially the Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers musicals. I loved everything about them - the songs the music the romance and the spectacle. They were real class and I knew that I wanted to be in that world.

I think romance is a tool comedy is a tool and drama is a tool. I really just want to tell stories that challenge the viewer move people make you laugh perhaps push an idea about being open-minded but never settle on a genre or an opinion. I hate genre. I like movies that are original in their approach.