Search For response In Quotes 56

Faith is the response to something which is calling us from the timeless part of our reality.

Often we are quick to find blame with others but yet are unable to give constructive responses. There seems to be a tendency to doubt almost everything. Do we not have faith in our own people's strengths and in our institutions? Can we afford distrust amongst ourselves?

To be sure the response of faith to revelation which God grants to the creature he chooses and moves with his love occurs in such a way that it is truly the creature that provides the response with its own nature and its natural powers of love.

Although our inattention can contribute to our lack of total well-being we also have the power to choose positive behaviors and responses. In that choice we change our every experience of life!

You know young actors say all the time 'Should I use my own life experience?' And my response is 'What choice do you have?'

The simple act of saying 'thank you' is a demonstration of gratitude in response to an experience that was meaningful to a customer or citizen.

It is very easy to make clear what you want a film to say but I did not wish to engage in overt propaganda even for the right cause. I wanted to create an experience through the films something where people could have the freedom of their own response to them.

To have God speak to the heart is a majestic experience an experience that people may miss if they monopolize the conversation and never pause to hear God's responses.

The physical world including our bodies is a response of the observer. We create our bodies as we create the experience of our world.

The present structure of rewards in high schools produces a response on the part of an adolescent social system which effectively impedes the process of education.