Search For resist In Quotes 95

A desire to resist oppression is implanted in the nature of man.

Stupidity is something unshakable nothing attacks it without breaking itself against it it is of the nature of granite hard and resistant.

But such is the irresistable nature of truth that all it asks and all it wants is the liberty of appearing.

As long as I retain my feeling and my passion for Nature I can partly soften or subdue my other passions and resist or endure those of others.

It is the nature of the wise to resist pleasures but the foolish to be a slave to them.

We may brave human laws but we cannot resist natural ones.

As long as the number one worry for people keeping them up at nights is whether they're going to have a job in the morning then they are less likely to resist unfair changes or unfair treatment or cuts in real pay at work.

Banks are an almost irresistible attraction for that element of our society which seeks unearned money.

In mid-life the man wants to see how irresistible he still is to younger women. How they turn their hearts to stone and more or less commit a murder of their marriage I just don't know but they do.

Love is easy and I love writing. You can't resist love. You get an idea someone says something and you're in love.