Search For protection In Quotes 70

The rights of persons and the rights of property are the objects for the protection of which Government was instituted.

The diversity in the faculties of men from which the rights of property originate is not less an insuperable obstacle to an uniformity of interests. The protection of these faculties is the first object of government.

It may be laid down as a primary position and the basis of our system that every Citizen who enjoys the protection of a Free Government owes not only a proportion of his property but even of his personal services to the defense of it.

There are several good protections against temptation but the surest is cowardice.

And that's really what's happening in this country is a violation of the First Commandment. We have become a country entrenched in idolatry and that idolatry is the dependency upon our government. We're supposed to depend upon God for our protection and our provision and for our daily bread not for our government.

We have a moral responsibility to save wild places like the arctic refuge for future generations and that is why our country has remained committed to its protection for nearly 50 years.

It is not natural or inevitable that half the world goes hungry that the freedom of markets trumps protection of the planet or that citizens' rights come second to those of corporations.

My daughters your daughters our daughters deserve safety protection and the freedom to make their own choices about their personal lives and their physical selves.

America is just the country that how all the written guarantees in the world for freedom are no protection against tyranny and oppression of the worst kind. There the politician has come to be looked upon as the very scum of society.

Well paycheck protection is an important ingredient for a successful campaign finance reform measure.

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The Israeli government has proved over the past year its commitment to peace both in words and deeds. By contrast the Palestinians are posing preconditions for renewing the diplomatic process in a way they have not done over the course of 16 years.