Search For prosperity In Quotes 80

Well may the boldest fear and the wisest tremble when incurring responsibilities on which may depend our country's peace and prosperity and in some degree the hopes and happiness of the whole human family.

The free market economy is supposed to be the only path leading to the happiness of humanity by promoting wealth and prosperity power and influence of nations.

Fate often puts all the material for happiness and prosperity into a man's hands just to see how miserable he can make himself with them.

Little islands of human happiness peace and prosperity are so exceptional at this point in history that I'm not even sure we can draw lessons from them.

A man is not rightly conditioned until he is a happy healthy and prosperous being and happiness health and prosperity are the result of a harmonious adjustment of the inner with the outer of the man with his surroundings.

If virtue promises happiness prosperity and peace then progress in virtue is progress in each of these for to whatever point the perfection of anything brings us progress is always an approach toward it.

The heart is great which shows moderation in the midst of prosperity.

President Obama's call for nearly a half-trillion dollars in more government stimulus when America has more than $14 trillion in debt is guided by his mistaken belief that we can spend our way to prosperity.

The less government interferes with private pursuits the better for general prosperity.

We need to reclaim our American system of limited government low taxes reasonable regulations and sound money which has blessed us with unprecedented prosperity. And it has done more to help the poor than any other economic system ever designed.