The odds are always against you no matter what your previous history is. You have to overcome the tendency to relax.
Mankind has probably done more damage to the Earth in the 20th century than in all of previous human history.
The history of all previous societies has been the history of class struggles.
If you're under 26 you can stay on your parents' plan. You can go back to school or get extra training without fear of a health catastrophe bankrupting your family. Over three million previously uninsured young adults are now on their parents' plans.
As patients and consumers we are better informed today about our health care than any previous generation.
Technology has advanced more in the last thirty years than in the previous two thousand. The exponential increase in advancement will only continue. Anthropological Commentary The opposite of a trivial truth is false the opposite of a great truth is also true.
I am tomorrow or some future day what I establish today. I am today what I established yesterday or some previous day.
This enemy of peace in the world today is unlike any we have seen in the past and our military is learning from and building on previous successes while carrying peace and freedom into the future.
I worked at a hot dog place a bagel place the Jersey Store and the hottest fashion joint around. I was getting too famous to work there anymore. I was almost showing up as a joke. I made $2 000 on my show the previous night and I'm going to go shopping during my five-hour shift.
After that he turned to the question of invading England. Hitler said that during the previous year he could not afford to risk a possible failure apart from that he had not wished to provoke the British as he hoped to arrange peace talks.