Search For prepared In Quotes 103

Nothing is ever done in this world until men are prepared to kill one another if it is not done.

All men are prepared to accomplish the incredible if their ideals are threatened.

C-17s should be ready to go at various military bases around the world packed with water food medical supplies sleeping bags and tents all prepared to be air dropped in alongside soldiers and doctors to begin relief efforts.

I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage. They've experienced pain and bought jewelry.

Men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage - they've experienced pain and bought jewelry.

Love always involves responsibility and love always involves sacrifice. And we do not really love Christ unless we are prepared to face His task and to take up His Cross.

If anyone is crazy enough to want to kill a president of the United States he can do it. All he must be prepared to do is give his life for the president's.

IBM has taken a leadership role in this area and is prepared to be a technology partner with companies around the world to take advantage of these new developments.

In terms of having views and being prepared to express them yes I think New Zealand's had a leadership role in a lot of things.

We cannot stop natural disasters but we can arm ourselves with knowledge: so many lives wouldn't have to be lost if there was enough disaster preparedness.

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History repeats itself but the special call of an art which has passed away is never reproduced. It is as utterly gone out of the world as the song of a destroyed wild bird.