Search For predict In Quotes 88

Well first of all we did lots of studies where we show practical intelligence doesn't correlate with G. We have probably two dozen studies that practical intelligence better predicts job success than IQ.

I like shows that have some level of intelligence to them. When it's not as predictable when you don't know what's coming at you.

But once you are in that field emotional intelligence emerges as a much stronger predictor of who will be most successful because it is how we handle ourselves in our relationships that determines how well we do once we are in a given job.

Imagination allows us to escape the predictable. It enables us to reply to the common wisdom that we cannot soar by saying 'Just watch!'

Politics is not predictions and politics is not observations. Politics is what we do. Politics is what we do politics is what we create by what we work for by what we hope for and what we dare to imagine.

I hope I left behind a legacy that people will enjoy. But whatever they want to say I can't predict.

Divorce is one of the key predictors of poverty for a child growing up in a home that's broken.

It is impossible to predict the time and progress of revolution. It is governed by its own more or less mysterious laws.

For the past two years President Obama has promised our children the moon stars rainbows unicorns and universal health care for all. But the White House Santa's cradle-to-grave entitlement mandates are a spectacularly predictable bust.

Customers don't know what they want. There's plenty of good psychology research that shows that people are not able to accurately predict how they would behave in the future. So asking them 'Would you buy my product if it had these three features?' or 'How would you react if we changed our product this way?' is a waste of time. They don't know.