Search For pleasant In Quotes 54

One of the pleasant duties of America's most famous announcers during the relatively short swing era of the big bands was to host late-night remotes from some of the most famous ballrooms throughout the country.

In this connection faith and experience teach us many truths by means of the short-cut of authority and by the proofs of very pleasant and agreeable feelings.

Divorce is never a pleasant experience. You look upon it as a failure. But I learned to be a different person once we broke up. Sometimes you learn more from failure than you do from success.

I find writing very difficult. It's hard and it hurts sometimes and it's scary because of the fear of failure and the very unpleasant feeling that you may have reached the limit of your abilities.

While I was pleasantly surprised by the relatively high number of jobs created in April the fact is that job creation during this recovery period has significantly lagged both historical experience in recovery and the projections of the Bush Administration.

So I've seen life as one long learning process. And if I see - you know if I fly on somebody else's airline and find the experience is not a pleasant one which it wasn't in - 21 years ago then I'd think well you know maybe I can create the kind of airline that I'd like to fly on.

Sure I suffered a lot. But it's not like the end of the world and it's not who I am. I lead quite a pleasant life and I'm able to divorce a perceived reality from my actual experience of life.

It would be my guess that Madonna is not a very happy woman. From my own experience having gone through persona changes like that that kind of clawing need to be the center of attention is not a pleasant place to be.

The dictum that truth always triumphs over persecution is one of the pleasant falsehoods which men repeat after one another till they pass into commonplaces but which all experience refutes.

The primary purpose of a liberal education is to make one's mind a pleasant place in which to spend one's leisure.

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I didn't want to be the typical teen idol. I didn't want to be Leif Garrett. I didn't want to be Shaun Cassidy David Cassidy or Parker Stevenson. I wanted to do my own thing.