Search For permit In Quotes 66

We must take action now by permitting re-importation to ensure that health care and prescription drugs remain accessible and affordable for everyone.

If you are kept in ignorance of the true way and permit yourself to rely upon and be guided by the opinion of imperfect man you can never gain the riches that will bring you peace and lasting happiness.

Never permit a dichotomy to rule your life a dichotomy in which you hate what you do so you can have pleasure in your spare time. Look for a situation in which your work will give you as much happiness as your spare time.

The great thing about being a print journalist is that you are permitted to duck. Cameramen get killed while the writers are flat on the floor. A war correspondent for the BBC dedicated his memoir to 50 fallen colleagues and I guarantee you they were all taking pictures. I am only alive because I am such a chicken.

Government is either organized benevolence or organized madness its peculiar magnitude permits no shading.

Nonviolence is a good policy when the conditions permit.

That the saints may enjoy their beatitude and the grace of God more abundantly they are permitted to see the punishment of the damned in hell.

God gave us faculties for our use each of them will receive its proper reward. Then do not let us try to charm them to sleep but permit them to do their work until divinely called to something higher.

If there is no God everything is permitted.

God will not permit any troubles to come upon us unless He has a specific plan by which great blessing can come out of the difficulty.