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Islam is a violent I was going to say religion but it's not a religion. It's a political system. It's a violent political system bent on the overthrow of the governments of the world and world domination. That is the ultimate aim.

The power which establishes a state is violence the power which maintains it is violence the power which eventually overthrows it is violence.

I learned a good deal about economics and about America from the author of the Reagan tax reforms - the great Jack Kemp. What gave Jack that incredible enthusiasm was his belief in the possibilities of free people in the power of free enterprise and strong communities to overcome poverty and despair. We need that same optimism right now.

I think people in Botswana are pleased that my books paint a positive picture of their lives and portray the country as being very special. They've made a great success of their country and the people are fed up with the constant reporting of only the problems and poverty of the continent. They welcome something which puts the positive side.

When you come from desperate poverty and that's exactly what I come from you know that nonsenses are not to be tolerated. I'm not sure who gains from chaos but I know it's not the poor folks in the council flats. The politics of vindictiveness is never ever anything like a solution.

The problem of the Middle East is poverty more than politics.

For every talent that poverty has stimulated it has blighted a hundred.

The link between peace and stability on the one hand and social and economic growth on the other is dialectic. Peace poverty and backwardness cannot mix in one region.

Israel welcomes the wind of change and sees a window of opportunity. Democratic and science-based economies by nature desire peace. Israel does not want to be an island of affluence in an ocean of poverty. Improvements in our neighbours' lives mean improvements to the neighbourhood in which we live.

When we take our eyes off the whirl of day-to-day activity and concentrate on honoring Him and following in His way we find a consistent peace that carries us through both plenty and poverty.