Part of treatment for drugs and alcohol is you abstain from these but with eating disorders you can't abstain from food so the treatment is longer than drugs and alcohol.
Food can become such a point of anxiety - not because it's food but just because you have anxiety. That's how eating disorders develop.
I don't think that anyone seriously fears that the world can be blown to pieces all together. But what one can fear and rightly so are regional things like in the Middle East India Pakistan the Korean Peninsula borders in Africa etc.
Alzheimer's Parkinson's brain and spinal cord disorders diabetes cancer at least 58 diseases could potentially be cured through stem cell research diseases that touch every family in America and in the world.
Failure to properly control our borders costs citizens in many ways: schools become overcrowded medical resources are stretched too thin other government services are overtaxed and taxes increase further.
Environmental degradation overpopulation refugees narcotics terrorism world crime movements and organized crime are worldwide problems that don't stop at a nation's borders.
Our society's strong emphasis on dieting and self-image can sometimes lead to eating disorders. We know that more than 5 million Americans suffer from eating disorders most of them young women.
If any foreign minister begins to defend to the death a 'peace conference ' you can be sure his government has already placed its orders for new battleships and airplanes.
Death borders upon our birth and our cradle stands in the grave.
Computers have virtually replaced tape recorders.