Search For options In Quotes 39

Our nation's Social Security Trust Fund is depleting at an alarming rate and failure to implement immediate reforms endangers the ability of Americans to plan for their retirement with the options and certainty they deserve.

Women have a lot of power in private life. There are many men who would say 'Hey women already rule my life.' But with women more is more. The more there are the more the world gets used to seeing them. We change the culture. We begin to expand options and lead and manage.

If you asked an 18-year-old what they want to do with their life and the options are 'Transformers' or Lars von Trier he's probably shipping out for 'Transformers.' If you ask a 26-year-old what he wants to do 'Transformers' or Lars von Trier he'd probably pick Lars von Trier. So my sensibilities are changing as I change.

I have reached a place in my life where I need to sit down and say 'Well what do I do? What's best for me?' I need to look into options for the future.

In addressing a task one almost always has several possible options sometimes only a few and they may all be practical and functional. But they lack the aesthetic aspect that raises it to architecture.

I was the first spokesperson for the Better Hearing Institute in Washington. And that's the message we tried to send out - there is hearing help out there and the technology and options are amazing.

I gambled and I lost. I failed in securing my options for this choice for myself but I succeeded in verifying the Dark Age is still with us.

As an American you have a right to good health care that is effective accessible and affordable that serves you from infancy through old age that allows you to go to practitioners and facilities of your choosing and that offers a broad range of therapeutic options.

We incorporated new tastes and flavors into our kids' diets from a very early age which helped to develop their palates and prevented them from becoming picky eaters. We don't buy junk food and give them options of fresh fruit yogurt raw almonds or dried whole grain cereals for snack time.