Search For noble In Quotes 99

Instead of noblemen let us have noble villages of men.

While civilization has been improving our houses it has not equally improved the men who are to inhabit them. It has created palaces but it was not so easy to create noblemen and kings.

I think the institute of marriage is a noble thing. The idea of a partner for life is incredibly romantic. But now we're living to 100. A hundred years ago people were dying at age 37. Til death do us part was a much different deal.

There is nothing nobler or more admirable than when two people who see eye to eye keep house as man and wife confounding their enemies and delighting their friends.

I wish to preach not the doctrine of ignoble ease but the doctrine of the strenuous life.

In poverty and other misfortunes of life true friends are a sure refuge. The young they keep out of mischief to the old they are a comfort and aid in their weakness and those in the prime of life they incite to noble deeds.

Learning should be a joy and full of excitement. It is life's greatest adventure it is an illustrated excursion into the minds of the noble and the learned.

The university's business is the conservation of useless knowledge and what the university itself apparently fails to see is that this enterprise is not only noble but indispensable as well that society can not exist unless it goes on.

The business of a scientific school is the dissemination of useful knowledge and this is a noble enterprise and indispensable withal society can not exist unless it goes on.

If God be God and man a creature made in image of the divine intelligence his noblest function is the search for truth.