Search For moves In Quotes 69

When I think about the world I would like to leave to my daughter and the grandchildren I hope to have it is a world that moves away from unequal unstable unsustainable interdependence to integrated communities - locally nationally and globally - that share the characteristics of all successful communities.

The sudden disappointment of a hope leaves a scar which the ultimate fulfillment of that hope never entirely removes.

Life moves fast. As much as you can learn from your history you have to move forward.

Part of the problem is voters know relatively little about Romney. And some of what they know about him complicates his task: Romney has a history of flip-flopping on issues he's extraordinarily wealthy and he can be tone-deaf about what moves voters. He just doesn't seem comfortable in his skin.

But every historical statement and legitimization itself moves within a certain relation to history.

The principle that human nature in its psychological aspects is nothing more than a product of history and given social relations removes all barriers to coercion and manipulation by the powerful.

Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves tax it. If it keeps moving regulate it. And if it stops moving subsidize it.

The good opinion of mankind like the lever of Archimedes with the given fulcrum moves the world.

God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform. He plants his footsteps in the sea and rides upon the storm.

Why do they call it rush hour when nothing moves?