Search For misery In Quotes 60

I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.

If the misery of the poor be caused not by the laws of nature but by our institutions great is our sin.

Life is not an easy matter... You cannot live through it without falling into frustration and cynicism unless you have before you a great idea which raises you above personal misery above weakness above all kinds of perfidy and baseness.

I have no doubt but that the misery of the lower classes will be found to abate whenever the Government assumes a freer aspect and the laws favor a subdivision of Property.

The second office in the government is honorable and easy the first is but a splendid misery.

What's interesting about books that take place in the future even twenty years in the future is that many of them are black or white: It's either a utopia or it's misery. The real truth is that there's going to be both things in any future just like there is now.

As a child is indulged or checked in its early follies a ground is generally laid for the happiness or misery of the future man.

Friendship improves happiness and abates misery by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief.

The agony of my feelings allowed me no respite no incident occurred from which my rage and misery could not extract its food.

It's easy for people in an air-conditioned room to continue with the policies of destruction of Mother Earth. We need instead to put ourselves in the shoes of families in Bolivia and worldwide that lack water and food and suffer misery and hunger.