Search For military In Quotes 175

Military strength in reserve is better than military strength being reigned upon the other side including all of its innocent civilians.

Military preparedness is absolutely a form of strength.

Then when I went to Iraq and saw the strength and character the men and women in our military service exhibit every day and their belief in what they're doing I knew I wanted to get that on film and share it with everyone. They are my inspiration.

I went to a military school between the ages of six and 12 and later into the air force. You learn discipline and strength of character.

Ronald Reagan was a president of strength. His philosophy was a philosophy of strength - a strong military a strong economy and strong families.

Traditional Albanian society was based on a clan system and was further divided into brotherhoods and bajraks. The bajrak system identified a local leader called a bajrakar who could be counted on to provide a certain number of men for military duty.

Putting women in military combat is the cutting edge of the feminist goal to force us into an androgynous society.

And from a military school which taught me that to fit into society you can't just do anything you damn well please because it will suit you. And that it's much better to be with the winners than it is with the losers.

Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex and the damage it could do to society.

Inasmuch as society cannot go on without discipline of some kind men were constrained in the absence of any other form of discipline to turn to discipline of the military type.

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It used to be that you had to make female TV characters perfect so no one would be offended by your 'portrayal' of women. Even when I started out on 'The Office' eight years ago we could write our male characters funny and flawed but not the women. And now thankfully it's completely different.