Search For message In Quotes 141

I gave up on new poetry myself 30 years ago when most of it began to read like coded messages passing between lonely aliens in a hostile world.

I decided that it was not wisdom that enabled poets to write their poetry but a kind of instinct or inspiration such as you find in seers and prophets who deliver all their sublime messages without knowing in the least what they mean.

A poem conveys not a message so much as the provenance of a message an advent of sense.

The Nobel Peace Prize is a powerful message. A durable peace is not a single achievement but an environment a process and a commitment.

My message is all about peace.

I know that if the peace movement takes its message boldly to the Negro people a powerful force can be secured in pursuit of the greatest goal of all mankind. And the same is true of labor and the great democratic sections of our population.

The very first lesson that I learnt from the Qur'an was the message of unity and peace.

Peace Train is a song I wrote the message of which continues to breeze thunderously through the hearts of millions of human beings.

If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand rejoice for your soul is alive.

If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy if the simplest things of nature have a message that you understand rejoice for your soul is alive.