Search For measured In Quotes 44

On a level plain simple mounds look like hills and the insipid flatness of our present bourgeoisie is to be measured by the altitude of its great intellects.

Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex the ugly ones included.

At some future period not very distant as measured by centuries the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout the world.

Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.

The love of the famous like all strong passions is quite abstract. Its intensity can be measured mathematically and it is independent of persons.

Within the U.S. the Obama presidency will be mainly measured by the success or failure of his economic policies. And here I fear the monstrous stimulus package with which this administration stumbled out of the gate will prove to be Obama's Waterloo.

Progress is measured by richness and intensity of experience - by a wider and deeper apprehension of the significance and scope of human existence.

Success is not measured by what you accomplish but by the opposition you have encountered and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.

Measured in time of transport and communication the whole round globe is now smaller than a small European country was a hundred years ago.

There are people in the public sector with a range of experiences that have no equivalent in business but are essential to governing like keeping a kid in school or helping someone get and hold a job. The value of those skills can't easily be measured against a bottom line.

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In Australia they set up a special fund to kick films off. It was quite an enlightened sort of move. You could go to this government bureau with scripts and and get finance for films.