Search For makeup In Quotes 46

When I was about 12 and first started wearing lipstick my dad would ask 'Are you wearing makeup?' I would say back 'You're wearing more makeup there than I am!'

I'm very at ease and I like it. I never thought I would be such a family-oriented guy I didn't think that was part of my makeup. But somebody said that as you get older you become the person you always should have been and I feel that's happening to me. I'm rather surprised at who I am because I'm actually like my dad!

To me eyewear goes way beyond being a prescription. It's like makeup. It's the most incredible accessory. The shape of a frame or the color of lenses can change your whole appearance.

The best thing is to look natural but it takes makeup to look natural.

In prison inmates sometimes use Cheetos and grape juice as makeup. I wouldn't use that beauty regimen around Britney Spears - she might lick your face off!

This is so cliche but my beauty icon would have to be Angelina Jolie. She looks like she wears natural makeup but she's still beautiful.

It's how you look at beauty. Is it only an outward appearance with hair and makeup and a hot body or is it something deeper than that?

I'm a drugstore beauty girl I love going to the drugstore and buying makeup.

My mom was an aesthetician and she went to beauty school back in the '60s. I just remember watching her do her makeup all the time. She always had her nails done makeup on - her face was ready to go when she went out. I loved it.

I love glamour and artificial beauty. I love the idea of artifice and dressing up and makeup and hair.