Search For mainstream In Quotes 45

The test of leadership for David Cameron was actually to bring the British Conservative Party back in to the mainstream.

I think the advent of the Internet gave us all a big boost because by the time the Internet became mainstream and you could get it in your home a lot of us were used to dealing in fan culture writing to magazines or anything at the back of comic books.

The primary victims of Katrina those who were given the least help by the government those rescued last or not at all were overwhelmingly people of color largely hidden from the mainstream of society.

When it comes to war we focus more on the mainstream coverage of the event rather than the event itself. People dying is never funny. Protest puppets are always funny.

I wasn't passionate about food until I'd been cooking for a while. I started long before food became part of the mainstream media. I just wanted to cook period.

It's possible that the 2012 general-election race will be the least overtly religious one since 1972 the last campaign before Roe v. Wade and the rise of Jimmy Carter brought evangelicalism into the political mainstream. That's because faith remains a complicated issue for Obama who is still wrongly thought to be a Muslim in some quarters.

A spy like a writer lives outside the mainstream population. He steals his experience through bribes and reconstructs it.

I had the experience last year of directing my first feature while I had a 1-year-old son and while I was also pregnant so I am now well aware of the difficulties women who are rearing children face when they're also trying to make headway in mainstream of film.

Education particularly higher education will take Africa into the mainstream of globalization.

Some of the hip-hop stuff people get into is exciting because there's a passion and there's something to explain to a more mainstream audience so you get these passionate writers who want to express their love for rap and hip-hop which is cool.