Search For lunch In Quotes 44

I'm a filmmaker who decided to go to culinary school. All I picked up was the fact if I didn't understand what was going on with every single ingredient I could be qualifying for like the lunch food job at my daughter's school.

The lunch in a normal American restaurant is very problematic for me. I don't like to have hot food for lunch.

Why does anybody want to be famous? You know what's important to me? Having lunch! Pasta! Seeing my friends! Is that so crazy?

He makes me laugh Mick! He tended to turn up when we were having lunch and entertain us all. He bought an Enigma machine! I've never worked with a producer who was more famous than everyone put together.

I was the oldest of the children in my family. I had to do a lot of diaper-changing and lunch-making. I was taking my little sister to ballet picking up my brother sort of being a super-nanny.

You are about to have your first experience with a Greek lunch. I will kill you if you pretend to like it.

Unless children have strong education and strong families and strong communities and decent housing it's not enough to go sit in at a lunch counter.

I'm not cynical about marriage or romance. I enjoyed being married. And although being single was fun for a while there was always the risk of dating someone who'd owned a lunch box with my picture on it.

There are two types of courage involved with what I did. When it comes to picking up a rifle millions of people are capable of doing that as we see in Iraq or Vietnam. But when it comes to risking their careers or risking being invited to lunch by the establishment it turns out that's remarkably rare.

David Lynch and I almost made a movie together in the late '80s. We had lots of dinners and lunches. He's a very cool hip guy. This film let's face it is like an homage to him I would imagine he'd find it funny.