Search For limited In Quotes 128

And I believe that you never be limited in what you do so I like to do movies I like to do television.

The present moment is nice but it does not last. Living in it is like waiting in a junction town for the morning limited the junction may be interesting but some day you will have to leave it and you do not know where the limited will take you.

In this respect early youth is exactly like old age it is a time of waiting for a big trip to an unknown destination. The chief difference is that youth waits for the morning limited and age waits for the night train.

The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need men who can dream of things that never were.

Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of husbands. Remember all men would be tyrants if they could.

Love is supreme and unconditional like is nice but limited.

Testimony should be a philosophical problem and not limited to legal or historical contexts where it refers to the account of a witness who reports what he has seen.

The world of learning is so broad and the human soul is so limited in power!

For the longest time I was brought up listening to only two genres of music pop and rock. So in the past few years I've been trying to expand my interests because I think that you can only write to the extent of your knowledge and if your knowledge is limited you can't write past that.

To-day it appears as though it may well be altogether abolished in the future as it has to some extent been mitigated in the past by the unceasing and as it now appears unlimited ascent of man to knowledge and through knowledge to physical power and dominion over Nature.