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I do think the heart can balance out the mind if your heart is in a good place it can give you the strength to do the right thing and behave the right way and overcome the mind.

I like sports and swimming is my favorite. Doing physical exercises keeps one fit and healthy and helps one work more efficiently. I think we all need to strike a balance between work and relaxation. This can keep us energetic and help us do our job better.

Can they do both? That's a huge balance I think with kids- trying to find the right- it's everything you know it's social life it's academics it's sports.

Men's competitive team sports focus on the balance between individual achievement and team achievement with the emphasis on team achievement.

She felt like a chess player who by the clever handling of his pieces sees the game taking the course intended. Her eyes were bright and tender with a smile as they glanced up into his and her lips looked hungry for the kiss which they invited.

There's a new science out called orthomolecular medicine. You correct the chemical imbalance with amino acids and vitamins and minerals that are naturally in the body.

Modern science cannot explain why the laws of physics are exactly balanced for animal life to exist.

Since it's based on my parents it's more emotionally close to me than some of my more surreal plays. And then I like the balance of the comic and the sad. It should play as funny but you should care about the characters and feel sad for them.

Being on your own would be sad sick and weird. I don't trust myself. I need that balance.

I think in general romantic comedies tend to take one person's point of view but every once in a while you get something that is balanced for two people.