Search For italia In Quotes 54

I do love Italian food. Any kind of pasta or pizza. My new pig out food is Indian food. I eat Indian food like three times a week. It's so good.

I always knew that food and wine were vital with my mother being Italian and a good cook.

Italian girls are famous for being snobby and expecting men to make the first move. In America if I don't make eye contact the guys won't come over and talk. American girls just go for it. You men are spoiled.

When I wasn't famous I had a lot of friends almost all of them Italian. The racism only started when I started to play football.

I also want to go to an Italian island and do cuisine properly with some famous Italian chef and like his mother.

My family was all born in Sicily and I'm Italian-American. They're the real thing. They're authentic Italians and honestly they're the most open-minded nicest people in the world and nothing can really offend them. That's the way I think true Sicilians are.

I grew up in a very old-fashioned Roman Catholic Italian-Irish family in Philly.

I eat a little bit of everything and not a lot of anything. Everything in moderation. I know that's really hard for people to understand but I grew up in an Italian family where we didn't overdo anything. We ate pasta yes but not a lot of it.

Growing up in an Italian family you use a harsh tone and 10 minutes later everybody forgets about it.

I come from an Italian family. One of the greatest and most profound expressions we would ever use in conversations or arguments was a slamming door. The slamming door was our punctuation mark.