Search For hotel In Quotes 50

Touring is tough. You're almost in a haze because you don't really know where you are half the time: You're in a hotel room one moment and the next thing you know you're onstage performing for 60 000 people then you're back on an airplane. It's very hectic and I couldn't do it without my family.

Interesting things come your way but as you get older your lifestyle changes. I don't want to travel I don't want to be in a hotel room away from my family.

The readers are the ones who let us live our dreams. I try to write books which are really compelling - that you'd take on vacation and rather than going out you'd read in your hotel room because you had to find out what happened. Hopefully that's what readers are responding to.

These days I travel so much it's hard to get into a routine. When I'm on the road I tend to use hotel gyms. When I'm home in L.A. I like to hike and hit the surf. All in all I try to keep a balanced diet and exercise routine which has stood me in good stead to date.

Recently I was in Bernalda my dad's ancestral home town in Italy. He has just refurbished a palazzo and turned it into a hotel so we had my sister's wedding there. It was beautiful.

Now my dad is with me traveling with me and a big part of this whole thing is I like to mix it up a little bit you know. Who gets to take their father on a private jet across the country and stay in first class hotels? So we're enjoying it but I'd stop if it's not possible.

You show up in Paris and on the drive from the airport to the hotel you're like 'This is so cool! I want to see something! I want to go to the Eiffel Tower!' And then you leave the next morning. You think Oh I didn't get to do anything. I tell people: I've been just about everywhere but I've seen nothing.

Every job has its downside. For example being in a band the travel part of it - getting picked up from your house in a car going to the airport getting on a plane going from the airplane to a van then going from the van to a hotel.

As far as luxury goes about the only thing I do is... I go first class all the way. I live on the road so when I'm out there I'm getting the nice hotel suite I'm getting the luxury car I'm eating the good food and I make sure I take care of myself on the road.

I just completed a tour in Europe. I played every night. This requires traveling some days for six hours in a van or a train or a car. After six weeks of that I checked into the hotel and just fell apart.

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