Search For height In Quotes 55

Learning is pleasurable but doing is the height of enjoyment.

Judy we think that since the 11th of September 2001 we've faced a similar heightened threat level. And we've been enhancing both the exchange of intelligence and security information and the assessment of that information because that's the crucial element.

And you know whether it's drama or comedy the best work is based on truth. It's just that with comedy the circumstances are just crazy-heightened and you have these crazy things thrown at you. But you still have to do it truthfully because that's where the humor comes from. So it's not that difficult to cross over.

Alas! if the principles of contentment are not within us the height of station and worldly grandeur will as soon add a cubit to a man's stature as to his happiness.

Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length.

Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights and our comfort when we occasionally falter.

Heights by great men reached and kept were not obtained by sudden flight but while their companions slept they were toiling upward in the night.

What is good? All that heightens the feeling of power the will to power power itself in man.

And of course Marc Cherry heightens it and makes it hilarious. But there's so many universal themes in the show and he made it so funny. We knew he was onto something if he could keep it up and thankfully he did.

I failed to make the chess team because of my height.