When the honour is given to that scientist personally the happiness is sweet indeed. Science is on the whole an informal activity a life of shirt sleeves and coffee served in beakers.
It is not only my laboratory and my place of work but also my home so that on the 30th October I was able to share my happiness immediately with my students and collaborators and at the same time with my wife and family.
Religion is of general and public concern and on its support depend in great measure the peace and good order of government the safety and happiness of the people.
No period of my life has been one of such unmixed happiness as the four years which have been spent within college walls.
No true and permanent fame can be founded except in labors which promote the happiness of mankind.
Happiness is realizing that nothing is too important.
Too much good fortune can make you smug and unaware. Happiness should be like an oasis the greener for the desert that surrounds it.
Lots of people I know have bootlegged tapes of performances and if they play it I will be transported back sometimes with happiness sometimes with horror.
The gods conceal from men the happiness of death that they may endure life.
A face is too slight a foundation for happiness.