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If I were given a choice between two films and one was dark and explored depraved troubled or sick aspects of our culture I would always opt for that over the next romantic comedy.

I confess I am a romantic. I love romance and I think it's really fun and delicious and some of my favorite films are love stories. I think that you just get a chance to fall in love with the characters so much and you get to explore their lives so deeply.

My idea of a romantic night is to watch action films.

Other times you can get showy for three minutes and that's OK with certain films. But that isn't right with an Ang Lee movie you have to fit right in. You have to understand Ang respect him and be part of the team and not be in charge of it - he is in charge of it.

I'm looking at working with people I get on with that respect me that don't just see me as a piece of ass. Which I have experienced as well. I've nearly walked off very big films before and I would because I don't want that in my life. I want to enjoy the work I do.

Second this epic tale allows the audience to actually listen to the Native Americans and receive their wisdom. Spielberg conveys the respect for Native Americans that is normally lacking in Western films.

Yes I have made a lot of money and I have a lot of respect my films have done well and I know there are loads of loads of people who look up to me and really love me. I really just thought this is like a strange dream. I have never thought this is a success - I don't have a standard.

So it's kind of nervous to be in this situation but at the same time you look at all those actors and the work that they've done I've been in bigger films than all of them and still kept my integrity and still kept my respect.

I was writing short films and I was going through this really really really terrible end of a relationship that I didn't want to be going through. It was too much for me to process and all of a sudden I had this idea for my first feature film and I knew right away I had to start writing it.

Some of the greatest relationship films of all time the two stars have hated each other but mostly you see that chemistry.