Search For fellow In Quotes 118

We must remember that politics is more than a power game. The core of politics in my view is to serve our citizens to serve our fellow human beings.

Politics makes strange bedfellows.

Sometimes when I listen to fellow progressives I wonder if the only lesson we took away from the '04 elections is that politics is a word game.

My third appeal is to my fellow citizens in all countries: Help us to establish lasting peace in the world.

In addition to serving overseas the Peace Corps' Crisis Corps Volunteers have helped their fellow Americans.

Let us show our fellow countrymen and the entire world what the Germans can do when they work for peace.

Self-Realization Fellowship seemed like training. It was the training ground for finding a sense of peace in myself. Because that's my job. It's no one else's.

It is understanding that gives us an ability to have peace. When we understand the other fellow's viewpoint and he understands ours then we can sit down and work out our differences.

A real patriot is the fellow who gets a parking ticket and rejoices that the system works.

Nothing in human nature is so God-like as the disposition to do good to our fellow-creatures.