Search For failures In Quotes 67

One must be a god to be able to tell successes from failures without making a mistake.

A true friend is one who overlooks your failures and tolerates your success!

God's forgiveness allows us to be honest with ourselves. We recognize our imperfections admit our failures and plead to God for clemency.

Famous pivot stories are often failures but you don't need to fail before you pivot. All a pivot is is a change is strategy without a change in vision. Whenever entrepreneurs see a new way to achieve their vision - a way to be more successful - they have to remain nimble enough to take it.

Once you agree upon the price you and your family must pay for success it enables you to ignore the minor hurts the opponent's pressure and the temporary failures.

The future of Conservatism lies in our beliefs and values not by throwing them away. We need to shed associations that bind us to past failures but hold faith with those things that make us Conservatives.

With engineering I view this year's failure as next year's opportunity to try it again. Failures are not something to be avoided. You want to have them happen as quickly as you can so you can make progress rapidly.

You accept failure as a possible outcome of some of the experiments. If you don't get failures you're not pushing hard enough on the objectives.

Everyone should be commended for allowing people to make disasters to make failures - you've just got to be sure that it's a magnificent failure and that by creating a magnificent failure you plant the seed.

I hate how box-office failures are blamed on an actress yet I don't see a box-office failure blamed on men.