Search For facts In Quotes 141

Facts are the air of scientists. Without them you can never fly.

I hate facts. I always say the chief end of man is to form general propositions - adding that no general proposition is worth a damn.

I believe in general in a dualism between facts and the ideas of those facts in human heads.

The fewer the facts the stronger the opinion.

I know that some endeavor to throw the mantle of romance over the subject and treat woman like some ideal existence not liable to the ills of life. Let those deal in fancy who have nothing better to deal in we have to do with sober sad realities with stubborn facts.

Internationalism is a community theory of society which is founded on economic spiritual and biological facts. It maintains that respect for a healthy development of human society and of world civilization requires that mankind be organized internationally.

Facts matter. Science matters. Reason matters. Mitt Romney has shown an inability to respect any of the three. President Barack Obama not only respects them he relies on them. He is an overwhelming and unquestioned choice to continue as president.

Every religion is true one way or another. It is true when understood metaphorically. But when it gets stuck in its own metaphors interpreting them as facts then you are in trouble.

Practical politics consists in ignoring facts.

Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now and facts and science and argument does not seem to be winning the day all the time is because we're hardwired not to always think clearly when we're scared. And the country's scared.