Search For expos In Quotes 99

If people are constantly reading about you and you're overexposed they've got no reason to go see your movies. Also it's not pleasant or nice to have your privacy invaded.

When we talk about how movies used to be made it was over 100 years of film literal physical film with emulsion that we would expose to light and we would get pictures.

I just like movies that somehow expose the world in a way that's different than you imagine it.

I have got up at truly deplorable hours in the morning to confront Vancouver's Jack Webster on television because I have been told that is the place to get exposure for ideas.

My mom played the recorder. But not having electricity we had minimal exposure to music. As I got a little older we had Walkmans and things that were battery-powered but it would have been nice to be growing up in the iPod era. A tape only has six songs on a side.

A friend of my mom's was a casting director so really as kind of a lark I had a couple of acting jobs that had just enough exposure to give me the option to continue if I wanted to. I followed through with it.

My mom and I used to listen to records read and take train rides across the country in the summer. It was a very chill life. She didn't expose me to anything that was ahead of my development but she expected me to adjust to her world - she did not expect to adjust to mine.

A woman who is willing to be herself and pursue her own potential runs not so much the risk of loneliness as the challenge of exposure to more interesting men - and people in general.

My older sister was at the cusp of new wave and I had older brothers from my father's first marriage who were rock 'n' roll guys so I was exposed to a lot of popular culture.

Breaking into a system or exposing its weaknesses is a good thing because truth and knowledge must win out.