We live in a world where sports have the potential to bridge the gap between racism sexism and discrimination. The 2012 Olympic Games was a great start but hopefully what these games taught us is that if women are given an opportunity on an equal playing field the possibilities for women are endless.
Full participation in government and society has been a basic right of the country symbolizing the full citizenship and equal protection of all.
The Constitution as originally drawn made no reference to the fact that all Americans wre considered equal members of society.
If you say I'm for equal pay that's a reform. But if you say. I'm a feminist that's a transformation of society.
Women are not the richer sex. Women are not equal in society.
The right combination is between a free economy and social policy that addresses the needs of society and creates equal opportunity.
I don't think we live in a particularly equal society.
If we try to engineer outcomes if we overturn tradition to make everyone the same we ruin society. If we upset tradition to allow for an equal shot at the starting gate everyone wins except for the charlatans and would be dictators.
Every society gets the kind of criminal it deserves. What is equally true is that every community gets the kind of law enforcement it insists on.
I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities.