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The most dangerous criminal now is the entirely lawless modern philosopher. Compared to him burglars and bigamists are essentially moral men.

My parents had a wonderful marriage but it was a very dependent relationship. My mother was entirely dependent on my father because that's how it was in those days.

It is a fact that all women contribute more to marriage than men for the most part they have to change their place of living their method of work a great many women today changing their occupation entirely on marriage and they must even change their name.

Same-sex marriage would eliminate entirely in law the basic idea of a mother and a father for every child. It would create a society which deliberately chooses to deprive a child of either a mother or a father.

The perfect love affair is one which is conducted entirely by post.

But I do not believe that the world would be entirely different if there were more women leaders. Maybe if everybody in leadership was a woman you might not get into the conflicts in the first place. But if you watch the women who have made it to the top they haven't exactly been non-aggressive - including me.

I awake with a not entirely sickened knowledge that I am merely young again and in a funny way at peace an observer who is aware of time's chariot aware that some metamorphosis has occurred.

Knowledge conquered by labor becomes a possession - a property entirely our own.

To act on the belief that we possess the knowledge and the power which enable us to shape the processes of society entirely to our liking knowledge which in fact we do not possess is likely to make us do much harm.

Jealousy would be far less torturous if we understood that love is a passion entirely unrelated to our merits.

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You know I start with the assumption that -or with with the belief that this president has to succeed. We all have an enormous amount of capital invested in his success. His success is the country's success.