Search For entertain In Quotes 175

The only thing of value I have in this life is my ability to tell a story whether in print orating writing it down or having people acting it out. That's why I'm always hoping society never collapses because the first ones to go will be entertainers.

Whether you think a film will affect society or it's plain entertainment it's all excellent it's all noble.

I enjoy what Twitter is because I can really connect with the fans and it's a great way to share information with them and it's also a great way to entertain. I like being able to put a smile on people's faces and letting them know what I'm doing.

I believe that science fiction is as profound as you want it to be or it can be very simple entertainment and I'm all for very simple entertainment. Every now and then we all need to come home veg-out watch something and not think too deeply about it. It's what you want it to be. We tend to steer clear of being pedantic it's entertainment first otherwise we'd be on a lecture circuit.

It's the sad thing about entertainment it's not always about who is the best.

A lot of our entertainment throws into detail the stagnation and illness of how we live today-it's sad and it's sick... and it's profitable.

I can't say I'm happy to be talking about John Ritter and his passing. In my 21 years of Entertainment Tonight this really was one of the most shocking and sad things to have happened.

There's a hardening of the culture. Reality TV has lowered the standards of entertainment. You're left wondering about the legitimacy of relationships. It's probably harder to entertain the same people with a more classic form of writing and romantic comedies are a classic genre.

My political ideas and things like that even my religion I try to keep close to me because it's a personal thing and I don't shove it down people's throats. I don't condemn any artist that wants to do that like the Baldwins. That's their choice. But in my world I'm just an entertainer.

You've got to honor your relationship with your audience - that they sit down because they want to be entertained. And that doesn't mean you can't provoke them and antagonize them and challenge them in the course of the entertainment as long as you keep the entertainment part of the equation alive.

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Short of baseball and my family it was gaming. And gaming is a $20-million to $200-million multi-year effort. It's an insane stupid and utterly irresponsible act. But I did it.