Love is an emotion experienced by the many and enjoyed by the few.
What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.
In addition to the research I enjoyed learning French and assimilating the culture of another country.
I enjoyed the administrative work because it involved working with Congress city council and the mayor. I had never been a politician so it was fun - learning political maneuvering.
I enjoyed studying costume learning about the corsetry and the historical context of fashion. I never had any real intention of being a costume designer.
And one thing I definitely enjoyed personally from a selfish point of view was exploration and going to places that I had never been to before and learning you know meeting the people and getting to know new sights and sounds etc.
I enjoyed making this album a lot because of the knowledge we acquired over the last 3 years.
I've done a lot of albums and I kinda know when I'm onto something that was inspirational for me to record and create and this was one of those projects where I really enjoyed making the album.
I liked the humor of it I've always enjoyed a sense of humor in God and in religion and in spirituality.
I hope everybody's had fun because I've enjoyed my ride. I can tell you that. Now it's time to step aside and let some other young kid come in and win. Hopefully they will too.