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Moreover health center services save money and lives by treating diseases before they become chronic conditions require hospital care or require a trip to the emergency room.

Emergency health care for illegal aliens along the southwestern border is already costing area hospitals $200 million a year with perhaps another $100 million in extended care costs.

Most illegals are without health insurance and when these workers need emergency healthcare the American taxpayer gets stuck with the bill.

In addition California spends nearly $1 billion a year in Medi-Cal services for an average of 780 000 illegal immigrants a month over and above emergency health services.

Community health centers do a great deal with limited resources. They provide critical medical care services to many who would otherwise have no other place to go or would end up in an emergency room.

Look if you have somebody who doesn't have health insurance who doesn't have a doctor or dentist and in order to deal with their cold or flu or dental problem they go to an emergency room - in general that visit will cost ten times more than walking into a community health center.

I am not against all forms of high-tech medicine. Drugs and surgeries have a secure place in the treatment of serious health conditions. But modern American medicine treats almost every health condition as if it were an emergency.

Great emergencies and crises show us how much greater our vital resources are than we had supposed.

A good leader can engage in a debate frankly and thoroughly knowing that at the end he and the other side must be closer and thus emerge stronger. You don't have that idea when you are arrogant superficial and uninformed.

I've been saying for a couple of years now that people need to let God out of the Sunday morning box that He doesn't want to just be with you for an hour or two on Sunday morning and then put back in His box to sit there until you have an emergency but He wants to invade your Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday.