Search For elements In Quotes 73

I wanted to get to that aesthetic proposition that comes out of learning the human elements of a world so that those notes and rhythms mean something to you besides just the academic way in which they fall in place.

Having photographed the landscape for a number of years and specifically working with trees and in the forest I found without consciously thinking about it that it was a great learning experience for me in terms of organizing elements.

There are many elements to a campaign. Leadership is number one. Everything else is number two.

From all this it follows what the general character of the problem of the development of a body of scientific knowledge is in so far as it depends on elements internal to science itself.

Intuition and concepts constitute... the elements of all our knowledge so that neither concepts without an intuition in some way corresponding to them nor intuition without concepts can yield knowledge.

A civilization is a heritage of beliefs customs and knowledge slowly accumulated in the course of centuries elements difficult at times to justify by logic but justifying themselves as paths when they lead somewhere since they open up for man his inner distance.

Lincoln's stature and strength his intelligence and ambition - in short all the elements which gave him popularity among men in New Salem rendered him equally attractive to the fair sex of that village.

We've done it in intelligence sharing and certain elements of security. There were parts of the department in fact that worked very well in Katrina like the Coast Guard and TSA.

The essential elements of giving are power and love - activity and affection - and the consciousness of the race testifies that in the high and appropriate exercise of these is a blessedness greater than any other.

When it came to political power blacks need not apply. Add to this steaming stew the growing tensions over the Vietnam War and the movement for civil rights and you had plenty of elements to fire the imagination of a novice journalist.

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