Search For easier In Quotes 158

To die for a religion is easier than to live it absolutely.

There is a vulgar incredulity which in historical matters as well as in those of religion finds it easier to doubt than to examine.

It is so much easier to be nice to be respectful to put yourself in your customers' shoes and try to understand how you might help them before they ask for help than it is to try to mend a broken customer relationship.

I couldn't have been happier with the relationship we had with Disney it couldn't have been easier.

In order to be able to give a girlfriend the amount of time she deserves you would need time and I just can't give her that. So rather than being selfish or stupid enough to go into a relationship it's just been easier to be single.

I am on the power toothbrush train and I'm asking people to try to using an Oral B power toothbrush. I just started using one and I cannot believe that I waited this long to use a power toothbrush. It's so much easier than using a manual toothbrush.

I like to write sad songs. They're much easier to write and you get a lot more emotion into them. But people don't want to hear them as much. And radio definitely doesn't they want that positive uptempo thing.

If you look just at the decades after 1934 you know it's hard to point to really inspired and positive support from outside of Haiti to Haiti and much easier to point to either small-minded or downright mean-spirited policies.

When you're young with less on the line it's easier to be audacious to experiment. So I introduced the concerns of my generation - politics sex drugs rock-and-roll etc. - to the comics page which for many years caused a rolling furor.

It's much easier to wear a Chairman Mao button and shake your fists in the air and all that then to actually read the Communist manifesto and things like that and actually become involved in politics.