Search For driver In Quotes 57

I assure you that the training that you get in a midget in a sprint car and perhaps in a Silver Crown car is really the kind of experience that makes you into a damn good race driver.

I get appalled when I see good drivers being left on the sidelines because they haven't come up with the half million to a million to put themselves in a competitive car.

Then as everything like I say things started to come together when things started to go our way that's when you results started to come. I was no different driver. I was certainly learning every time I went in the car.

On the dance floor as much as you say 'Ladies you are the car. He is the driver. You can only go where he takes you ' they still try to be in control.

You don't have to worry about whether the car is set up right or not you know it is and it's down to you. Ultimately that's what every driver wants.

Every little kid has always wanted to be a race car driver. This gets some of that out.

No in Lethal Weapon I was a taxi cab driver that Mel jumps in front of the taxi and pulls me out of the car and steals the taxi. Then I did some other indie driving for some of the car sequences.

The driver of a racing car is a component. When I first began I used to grip the steering wheel firmly and I changed gear so hard that I damaged my hand.

I think there's a suspicion in the South of people putting on airs. You see it in most successful Southern politicians but you also see it in someone like Richard Petty who may be a multimillionaire stock car driver but he's also beloved because he has a nice self-deprecatory way about him.

I feel comfortable around every driver out there and each driver is in charge of their own car but you feel very secure racing the competition out there.

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One of the things you're doing when you make art apart from entertaining yourself and other people is trying to see what ways of working feel good what feels right.