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The size of a studio film lets you see technology in a way that you wouldn't on an independent film like the gadgets and the angles and all that.

Civilization depends on our expanding ability to produce food efficiently which has markedly accelerated thanks to science and technology.

In today's knowledge-based economy what you earn depends on what you learn. Jobs in the information technology sector for example pay 85 percent more than the private sector average.

Every child grows everything depends on the teacher.

There is no teacher living or past who can give us the actual understanding of Truth. A teacher can only put our feet upon the path and point the way. That is all. It is wholly dependent on the individual to make his way to Truth.

What we become depends on what we read after all of the professors have finished with us. The greatest university of all is a collection of books.

Independent films have a very different cachet than success films.

Success is very ephemeral. You depend entirely on the desire of others which makes it difficult to relax.

But Big Oil and Big Coal have always been as skilled at propaganda as they are at mining and drilling. Like the tobacco industry before them their success depends on keeping Americans stupid.

Look if you ask a child 'Would you rather have a fulfilled mother or a stay-at-home Sylvia Plath ' they'll pick Sylvia Plath every time. But I think it's really important that children don't feel their parents' emotional lives depend on their success.

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Paul Farmer has helped to build amazing health care system in one of the poorest areas of Haiti. He founded Partners in Health which serves the destitute and the sick in many parts of the world from Haiti to Boston and from Russia to Peru.