Search For defeat In Quotes 114

The 'morality of compromise' sounds contradictory. Compromise is usually a sign of weakness or an admission of defeat. Strong men don't compromise it is said and principles should never be compromised.

I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right temporarily defeated is stronger than evil triumphant.

If you have no confidence in self you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence you have won even before you have started.

Life is truly known only to those who suffer lose endure adversity and stumble from defeat to defeat.

If you have no confidence in self you are twice defeated in the race of life.

I never thought of losing but now that it' s happened the only thing is to do it right. That's my obligation to all the people who believe in me. We all have to take defeats in life.

What can we put into the hands of people under oppressive regimes to help them? For me a big part of it is information knowledge - the ability to defeat propaganda by understanding it.

In formal logic a contradiction is the signal of defeat but in the evolution of real knowledge it marks the first step in progress toward a victory.

The terrorist uses surprise and stealth and the only way to defeat that is by having accurate and timely intelligence.

One of the great intellectual failures of the American intelligence community and especially the counterterrorism community is to assume if someone hasn't attacked us it's because he can't or because we've defeated him.