Search For deals In Quotes 95

I cannot think of anything more difficult than to say something which would be worthy of this impressive and for me memorable occasion and of the ideals and purposes which inspired the Nobel Peace Award.

Whether we and our politicians know it or not Nature is party to all our deals and decisions and she has more votes a longer memory and a sterner sense of justice than we do.

For a number of years I'd been around the kind of people who financed movies and the kind of people who are there to make the deals for movies. But I'd always had this naive idea that everybody wants to make movies as good as they can be which is stupid.

Movies can and do have tremendous influence in shaping young lives in the realm of entertainment towards the ideals and objectives of normal adulthood.

I don't make deals for the money. I've got enough much more than I'll ever need. I do it to do it.

If all the rich and all of the church people should send their children to the public schools they would feel bound to concentrate their money on improving these schools until they met the highest ideals.

Growing up my ideals were Barbra Streisand Cher and my mom.

Some men can live up to their loftiest ideals without ever going higher than a basement.

All men are prepared to accomplish the incredible if their ideals are threatened.

You make mistakes but I don't have any regrets. I'm the kind of person who takes responsibility for it and deals with it. I learn from everything I do. I work very hard I have so many things going on in my life. Get to know me and see who I am.