Search For crucial In Quotes 44

A commitment to human rights cannot be fostered simply through the transmission of knowledge. Action and experience play a crucial role in the learning process.

The crucial question one comes back to is the examination without that experience is meaningless. And I think it's true that society is becoming more and more passive less and less fired up with enthusiasm in many spheres.

Poets are the only people to whom love is not only a crucial but an indispensable experience which entitles them to mistake it for a universal one.

It is crucial that members of Congress cast votes that are supportive of the values upon which our nation was founded: equality freedom and opportunity for all people.

The Recovery plan will put money in the pockets of the American worker create and save millions of new jobs and invest in crucial areas such as health care education energy independence and a new infrastructure.

Here once again education is crucial it enables children to be become more aware of their rights and to exercise them in a respectful manner which helps them shape their own future.

The illness and the untimely death of my brothers has made me conscious of the fact that - rather than just think about it - it's crucial that you do today what you want to do.

Crucial to understanding federalism in modern day America is the concept of mobility or 'the ability to vote with your feet.' If you don't support the death penalty and citizens packing a pistol - don't come to Texas. If you don't like medicinal marijuana and gay marriage don't move to California.

No illusion is more crucial than the illusion that great success and huge money buy you immunity from the common ills of mankind such as cars that won't start.

Patriotism is best exemplified through auto-critique. When you're willing to stand up within the group and say 'It is wrong for Black people to be anti-Semitic ' or 'It is wrong for America to discriminate against persons of African descent and made them slaves and based its wealth upon free labor ' it's crucial to say that.