Search For corporate In Quotes 65

The nation is faced with one of the most corporate-orientated anti-consumer Congresses in our history.

I forget what the relevant American rate is but I can tell you that our goal is to have a combined federal-provincial corporate tax rate of no more than 25 percent. We're on target to do that by 2012. We will have significantly - by a significant margin the lowest corporate tax rates in the G-7 and that's our - our government's objective.

Corporations often partner with government after natural disasters as many companies did in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. As a rule however long-term civic/corporate partnerships are still rare .But this need not remain the status quo as many opportunities are available for such partnerships.

Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism as it is the merger of corporate and government power.

Up against the corporate government voters find themselves asked to choose between look-alike candidates from two parties vying to see who takes the marching orders from their campaign paymasters and their future employers. The money of vested interest nullifies genuine voter choice and trust.

We live in a funny time. If you don't go corporate you can't compete. You're relegated as irrelevant. People used to admire that.

It's funny though with films because you can incorporate a variety of elements and sometimes that can work for you and sometimes I think it can work against you.

Yes we have the freedom to do what we please but it only works because we don't do everything we might please - we should exercise some degree of personal and corporate responsibility.

I do believe that freedom isn't free - but today the corporate and political right wing is trying to cheapen this truly American value. They've been cynically using the word 'freedom' to rally the American public against its own best interests.

In South Africa we could not have achieved our freedom and just peace without the help of people around the world who through the use of non-violent means such as boycotts and divestment encouraged their governments and other corporate actors to reverse decades-long support for the Apartheid regime.