Search For consume In Quotes 109

If it's great stuff the people who consume it are nourished. It's a positive force.

Since the governments are in the pockets of businesses who's going to control this most powerful institution? Business is more powerful than politics and it's more powerful than religion. So it's going to have to be the vigilante consumer.

Poetry is a sword of lightning ever unsheathed which consumes the scabbard that would contain it.

A healthy male adult bore consumes each year one and a half times his own weight in other people's patience.

I actually think that the economy has got some positives. It's got the market. It's got consumer confidence and it's got banks throwing - I mean central bankers throwing money at it around the world.

Who gets the risks? The risks are given to the consumer the unsuspecting consumer and the poor work force. And who gets the benefits? The benefits are only for the corporations for the money makers.

Many of us are alarmed at the skyrocketing cost of medical care including patients who are the consumers. However medical malpractice is not the reason for these increasing costs.

There is no more fatal blunderer than he who consumes the greater part of his life getting his living.

Companies shouldn't use the law to prevent consumers from doing something legal.

There are millions of people who consume music illegally every month. Just getting them into a legal service will make the music industry way bigger than it's ever been before.