Search For confuse In Quotes 59

I actually thought that it would be a little confusing during the same period of your life to be in one meeting when you're trying to make money and then go to another meeting where you're giving it away. I mean is it gonna erode your ability you know to make money? Are you gonna somehow get confused about what you're trying to do?

We have a country to turn around. This week you will nominate the most experienced executive to seek the presidency in 60 years in Mitt Romney. He has no illusions about what makes America great and he doesn't confuse the presidency with celebrity or loftiness with leadership.

This week you will nominate the most experienced executive to seek the presidency in 60 years in Mitt Romney. He has no illusions about what makes America great and he doesn't confuse the presidency with celebrity or loftiness with leadership.

I need to add that my work on multiple intelligences received a huge boost in 1995 when Daniel Goleman published his book on emotional intelligence. I am often confused with Dan. Initially though Dan and I are longtime friends this confusion irritated me.

Your intellect may be confused but your emotions will never lie to you.

Many who have had an opportunity of knowing any more about mathematics confuse it with arithmetic and consider it an arid science. In reality however it is a science which requires a great amount of imagination.

I think people are confused about what the Tea Party is. I mean they were a broad cross-section of Americans who came together concerned about our debt and our spending. And they're interested in constitutional limited government. And so they're not one group of people. They're thousands of small groups all over the country.

Politically the world is so confused right now - there's so much suffering caused by various movements by various parties and people in power in government.

The good die young but not always. The wicked prevail but not consistently. I am confused by life and I feel safe within the confines of the theatre.

Zen does not confuse spirituality with thinking about God while one is peeling potatoes. Zen spirituality is just to peel the potatoes.

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It's great to be able to connect parents with children both emotionally and through humor. I look forward to exploring family entertainment once again and examining the specifics of our day-to-day lives against the backdrop of an extraordinary adventure.