Search For circumstance In Quotes 119

Pop stardom is not very compelling. I'm much more interested in a relationship between performer and audience that is of equals. I came up through folk music and there's no pomp and circumstance to the performance. There's no like 'I'll be the rock star you be the adulating fan.'

There are movies that require fantasy and slightly more fantastical acting. Lines that are good for certain movies in real life circumstances would be absolutely unbelievable things to really say and you would look at these people like they're freaks for conversing that way. But somehow for certain styles of movies it works and it seems fine.

I think a lot of people do big movies not because they are talented artists but because they can function in the circumstances.

We were doing it under the most extraordinary circumstances but the first out of the tent in the morning would be David Lean. He said to me on the very first day of shooting Pete this is the beginning of a great adventure.

I had no idea that I would ever get involved with something like lending money to poor people given the circumstances in which I was working in Bangladesh.

Man is not the creature of circumstances circumstances are the creatures of men. We are free agents and man is more powerful than matter.

Men are anxious to improve their circumstances but are unwilling to improve themselves they therefore remain bound.

Circumstances rule men men do not rule circumstances.

Libertarians argue that no normal adult has the right to impose choices on other normal adults except in abnormal circumstances such as when one person finds another unconscious and administers medical assistance or calls an ambulance.

A pregnant woman facing the most dire circumstances must be able to count on her doctor to do what is medically necessary to protect her from serious physical harm.