Search For celebrate In Quotes 74

I had a go at changing history - maybe not all by myself - I fought at the battle of Normandy I slogged through the Ardennes and I celebrated the liberation of Paris on the streets with beautiful French girls throwing flowers at me. I said good-bye to my first true love and discovered what I really wanted to do with my life.

While we are living in the present we must celebrate life every day knowing that we are becoming history with every work every action every deed.

While Haiti has recently celebrated more than 200 years of independence from French colonial rule the citizens of the island remain vulnerable to poverty poor health and political chaos.

For the last 3 years we have celebrated National Nurses Week. Beginning on May 6 we will once again have the opportunity to truly commend the nursing community for their contributions to our national health delivery system.

You know I think we Indians are afraid to show and celebrate our happiness lest things change around. But I feel that it's okay to be sad and okay to show when you are happy.

It's become unfashionable to celebrate political achievement and Labour achievement even less so. And it's positively uncouth to be proud of something that this Labour government is doing. So slam me for saying so but I'm really proud of the NHS.

Every year we celebrate the holy season of Advent O God. Every year we pray those beautiful prayers of longing and waiting and sing those lovely songs of hope and promise.

You can be a thousand different women. It's your choice which one you want to be. It's about freedom and sovereignty. You celebrate who you are. You say 'This is my kingdom.'

And we can celebrate when we have a government that has earned back the trust of the people it serves... when we have a government that honors our Constitution and stands up for the values that have made America America: economic freedom individual liberty and personal responsibility.

I can celebrate food anytime. I love cheese. When I crave a certain food I just eat it.

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I tried to get a baseball movie made a couple of years ago and I don't think it didn't happen because I was a woman but because sports movie don't sell internationally.